Well, this is exciting!
After grueling nights of web design and countless pleas for donations, we are finally live here at Flies for Fins!
You can visit the shop at http://www.flies4fins.com/shop
We must apologize in advance as there are many items currently on their way to us via the mail right now that are not yet available in our cart. We will be sure to add them to the site as soon as we have them in hand, so continue checking in over the next week or two.
At this time, we are in desperate need for flies and we are graciously welcoming donations from all tiers; old and new! Please don't be shy to send in your flies. One of the wonderful things about Flies for Fins is the collaboration of our angling community and all of the diversity that it brings.
We have categories set for saltwater flies, trout flies, Atlantic Salmon, bass, steelhead, etc...you name it!
Our online auction system will be set to go live in the next few weeks and we are ecstatic to feature some incredibly rare flies from some angling legends; some who unfortunately are no longer with us.
We appreciate each and every one of you for taking an interest in our attempt to raise money for BC's wild rivers and steelhead. Without your support both as donators and as purchasers, Flies for Fins could never be what it is today.
The Flies for Fins Team