I suppose it was inevitable that I would find myself on the Patagonia team.
In a world saturated with decisions and consumerism, I personally try my best to support the companies who not only give back to the consumer, but also to the resources that they are profiting off of.
In my opinion, if a business makes their revenue in the outdoor industry, it is their duty to then give back to the environment in one form or another.
When I signed Fly Gal up for 1% For the Planet (an organization that I strongly encourage all outdoor enthusiasts to join), I began my communications with Patagonia Clothing (who helped to found 1% FTP).
I was astonished at the awareness Patagonia had about their environmental footprint. Not only did they ensure that their footprint was minimal, but they routinely founded and organized projects based around giving back to communities and conservation partners around the world; they were an inspiration.
Yvon Chouinard started Patagonia and is not only a major inspiration, but a realist, innovator and a freight train of a conservationist; though he didn't need me to guide him here on the Dean River, he was a pleasure to stand alongside.
Bill Klyn Photos.
I sat back and took a look at some of the other businesses I had involved myself with (my company included), and I scoured their efforts, desperate to find some sort of reciprocation to the resources they so readily took from.
For some of these businesses, I was thrilled at the efforts they were taking! And for others, I was appalled at how much they took without so much as a glance in the direction of giving back.
I'll save the rant for another day (or person... check out the following link for a great rant on the Headwaters Blog) and I will conclude in saying: For the companies who try, we are proud to do business with you... thank you.
Updates on upcoming gear to follow.